campaign one;

"Campaign; One" Available on Spotify, iTunes, & Google Play

I wanted to drop a line, and let everyone know that my EP, Campaign One;, is now available across the internet for download or streaming in most digital music providers. 

It features Richard Savercool's awesome edit of "Flamingo Fandango" as well as two other full length tracks he produced in his studio while we were serving a Freedom Family Church in Patton Village. I wanted an opportunity to showcase this work, so I put it together primarily as a promotional piece for Antiquarian Floods. The digital version also includes the updated artwork that is featured in the "listen" tab of my site. 

There is a lot of fun wrapped up in this record, and I hope it's enjoyed. For a hard copy of the record see the "buy" tab in the navigation. 


Wrapping for Acadiana


So I've begun prepping my work for Louisiana; I'll be bring many copies of "Campaign One; " with me. I have a lot if thoughts in my head about it, and how my tour of the Acadian Coast should play out, but I'm sure it will be great--however it happens.

I'm packaging my circles in an issue of Mike Kelly's Kingwood Monthly--or as it was known at the time, "This is Kingwood"; I believe it is most appropriate because I was given the opportunity to write an article about Lynn Beckwith, That Car Lady. It was a fun experience.

I will be bring a piece of the Lake Houston Area with me by wrapping them this way. As one could tell, the ad for Shank Wealth Management will clothe my discs beautifully with the same kindness that is offered by their great staff--one of which I have come to know well: Tammy Nigro.

I'll also have digital copies of Aquarian Floods available for sale; conveniently enough, they will stay on my key ring because of the flash drive given to me by my friend Devan Cooper Jackson at CenturyLink in Kingwood.

I'll have more details soon on how to get copies of Campaign One; and Aquarian Floods in Acadian in the next few days!


Cymbalta & a Renewed Subscription

20130408-150906.jpg One thing that love about coming to Dr. LaGrone's office is how beautiful it is inside of here. It really distracts me from the fact that I'm actually here to keep from going crazy. A lot of times when I refer to my depression as "crazy" people tend to retract, and sanitize the circumstances.

No---please let us not fool ourselves.

I've been very comforted by my technologies lately. The blue-tv-screen-light, and the light ticking of a hard drive from the late aughts. I've always kept a handheld device with me, even whenever it was just a Gameboy Color. It's nice to reach out to the digital age through my thumbs.

It brings to mind: robots would make good pets; but the truth is that robots are good pets, they are just not as complex or interactive as some might think they should be in order to be deemed Robots.

Becky is in town today; I'm excited that she gets to be here for whenever I get my record. I'm further excited about being able to share the disc with the people that I love the most first--before the campaign actually begins.

Great things are in store;

outgoing /\/\essage;;;

I can see what you're doing, I'm glowing, You're moving, I'm being reeled in. It seems you did feel me, Whenever I tugged the line. What is to follow? "Requesting Permission to Land"